Friday, December 2, 2011

Israeli Palestinian Conflict Reflection

At first I thought I wouldn't be able to have a full understanding of the film because it is a parody of the West Side Story, which I have never seen. However, this was not the case and I actually learned a lot from the short film. I have heard about the conflict before in school, on the news and in other media but didn't really know the history or specifics about it. The obvious conflict between two different cultures was apparent and I think it can be related to many different kinds of people. I thought it was interesting and surprising how the film made jokes about this issue because many people are suffering in Pakistan and Israel. However the comedic, musical type of film did give across the message of the severity of the conflict and the suffering it caused. It also showed that it needs to be resolved by making peace. I was also surprised by how short the film was, bring only 25 minutes, and yet it gave across the message it was supposed to. After the film I was happy that there were professors who briefed the audience on some of the history of the conflict. I didn't know that because the religious laws is what run the country that an Israeli couldn't marry a west bank person. Also it was interesting to hear that children are Jewish if their mother is Jewish and therefore Muslim men can't marry Jewish women because then their children will be Jewish. These religious laws are foreign to me that it is hard to imagine people not being able to marry someone because of the family and religion they were born in to. For me, as I said earlier I knew a little bit about the conflict from media and such but I think media can be biased and distort things so I will never really know the extent of the conflict. It made me sympathize with the people suffering because they really have no choice and can't get away from it because they are not allowed to move. It is sad that people are being controlled unjustly and living poor lives because of where they were born.

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